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来源:http://www.2234yule.com 作者:博彩游戏问答



  我是河北工业大学的 进行那个课程设计 请大家帮忙过啊...二十一点游戏是玩家要取得比庄家更大的点数总和,但点数超过二十一点即为爆牌,并输掉注码。







  因此,这里我们不用Card 类而用Card结构。

  Structure cardPublic face As IntegerPublic suit As IntegerPublic count As IntegerPublic faceup As BooleanEnd Structure 游戏开始时,我们首先要取一副牌,然后将牌洗好,指定从第几张牌开始发起。


  Dim Deck() As cardDeck = New card(51) {}Dim TopCard As IntegerPrivate Sub GetDeck() Dim i, j As Integer For i = 0 To 3 For j = 0 To 12 Deck(j + 13 * i).face = j Deck(j + 13 * i).suit = i If j 10 Then Deck(j + 13 * i).count = j + 1 Else Deck(j + 13 * i).count = 10 End If Deck(j + 13 * i).faceup = False Next NextEnd SubPrivate Sub Shuffle() Dim i, j, k As Integer Dim tc As card For k = 1 To 500 i = CType(My.Computer.Clock.TickCount * Rnd(), Integer) Mod 52 j = CType(Int(Rnd() * 52), Integer) tc = Deck(i) Deck(i) = Deck(j) Deck(j) = tc Next topcard = 0End Sub游戏界面中,我们设置三个命令按钮,两个标签。






  Dim playerCount As Integer = 0Dim playerAce As Integer = 0Dim dealerCount As Integer = 0Dim dealerAce As Integer = 0Dim ipcard, idcard As IntegerPrivate Sub delay(ByVal dt As Integer) Dim t As Integer t = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount Do If My.Computer.Clock.TickCount = t + dt Then Exit Do LoopEnd SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Button1.Visible = False Label1.Text=”” Label2.Text=”” Label1.Refresh() Label2.Refresh() MyBase.CreateGraphics.Clear(Color.DarkGreen) dealerAce = 0 playerAce = 0 dealerCount = 0 playerCount = 0 cdtDrawExt(MyBase.CreateGraphics.GetHdc, 200, 200, 75, 100, (Deck(TopCard).face * 4 + Deck(TopCard).suit), 0, 0) playerCount += Deck(TopCard).count If Deck(TopCard).face = 0 Then playerCount += 10 : playerAce += 1 TopCard += 1 If TopCard = 52 Then Shuffle() : MsgBox("NEW DECK!") Label2.Text = playerCount.ToString Label2.Refresh() delay(1000) cdtDrawExt(MyBase.CreateGraphics.GetHdc, 200, 10, 75, 100, (Deck(TopCard).face * 4 + Deck(TopCard).suit), 0, 0) dealerCount += Deck(TopCard).count If Deck(TopCard).face = 0 Then dealerCount += 10 : dealerAce += 1 TopCard += 1 If TopCard = 52 Then Shuffle() : MsgBox("NEW DECK!") Label1.Text = dealerCount.ToString Label1.Refresh() delay(1000) cdtDrawExt(MyBase.CreateGraphics.GetHdc, 220, 200, 75, 100, (Deck(TopCard).face * 4 + Deck(TopCard).suit), 0, 0) playerCount += Deck(TopCard).count If Deck(TopCard).face = 0 And playerAce = 0 Then playerCount += 10 : playerAce += 1 TopCard += 1 If TopCard = 52 Then Shuffle() : MsgBox("NEW DECK!") Label2.Text = playerCount.ToString Label2.Refresh() delay(1000) cdtDrawExt(MyBase.CreateGraphics.GetHdc, 220, 10, 75, 100, (Deck(TopCard).face * 4 + Deck(TopCard).suit), 0, 0) dealerCount += Deck(TopCard).count If Deck(TopCard).face = 0 And dealerAce = 0 Then dealerCount += 10 : dealerAce += 1 TopCard += 1 If TopCard = 52 Then Shuffle() : MsgBox("NEW DECK!") Label1.Text = dealerCount.ToString Label1.Refresh() delay(1000) ipcard = 2 idcard = 2 Button2.Visible = True Button3.Visible = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click cdtDrawExt(MyBase.CreateGraphics.GetHdc, 200 + 20 * ipcard, 200, 75, 100, (Deck(TopCard).face * 4 + Deck(TopCard).suit), 0, 0) playerCount += Deck(TopCard).count If Deck(TopCard).face = 0 Then playerCount += 10 : playerAce += 1 TopCard += 1 If TopCard = 52 Then Shuffle() : MsgBox("NEW DECK!") ipcard += 1 Label2.Text = playerCount.ToString Label2.Refresh() If playerCount 21 Then If playerAce = 1 Then playerCount -= 10 playerAce -= 1 Label2.Text = playerCount.ToString Label2.Refresh() Else MsgBox("player loss!") Button1.Visible = True Button2.Visible = False Button3.Visible = False End If End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Button2.Visible = False Button3.Visible = False dealerPlay()End SubPrivate Sub dealerPlay() Do If dealerCount 17 Then cdtDrawExt(MyBase.CreateGraphics.GetHdc, 200 + 20 * idcard, 10, 75, 100, (Deck(TopCard).face * 4 + Deck(TopCard).suit), 0, 0) dealerCount += Deck(TopCard).count If dealerCount 21 And dealerAce = 1 Then dealerCount -= 10 : dealerAce -= 1 If Deck(TopCard).face = 0 And dealerCount = 11 Then dealerCount += 10 TopCard += 1 If TopCard = 52 Then Shuffle() : MsgBox("NEW DECK!") idcard += 1 Else Exit Do End IfLoopLabel1.Text = dealerCount.ToStringLabel1.Refresh()If dealerCount = 21 Then If playerCount dealerCount Then MsgBox("player win!") Else MsgBox("Dealer win!") End IfElse MsgBox("player win!")End IfButton1.Visible = TrueButton2.Visible = FalseButton3.Visible = FalseEnd Sub (转自www.***.com)有趣的答题游戏

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